Westboro Dental Centre Dr. Belgin Günay
Family & Cosmetic Denistry in Westboro


Exposure to Tobacco Smoke Increases Risk of Cavities in Children

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

Exposure to secondhand smoke at a young age is associated with an increased risk of cavities, concludes a recent study. Specifically, researchers found that exposure to tobacco smoke at 4 months of age was associated with approximately twice the risk of caries, or cavities, in a child's non-permanent teeth. The effect of smoking by the mother during pregnancy was not found to be statistically significant cause of cavities in children. The findings were based on a retrospective study of nearly...

Exposure to Tobacco Smoke Increases Risk of Cavities in Children, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Could Wearing Dentures Negatively Impact Your Life?

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

A recent study found that dentures have a significant downside. Approximately one in three denture wearers stated that wearing dentures limits their ability to live life to the fullest. Dentures wearers cited several negative aspects of dentures in their personal life. These included the effect of dentures in their love life, in the way they kiss, and in being fearful of kissing someone passionately./p> The use of dentures also has negative professional aspects. In fact, nearly 40% of those...

Could Wearing Dentures Negatively Impact Your Life?, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Time to Destress

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

Its important to identify your stressors so you can learn to deal with them effectively. You can also take simple steps to reduce its impact on your health: Find relaxation techniques or exercises to help you cope with stress Brush and floss at least twice a day Eat a balanced diet, with plenty of fruits and vegetables Drink plenty of water throughout the day to moisten your mouth and stay hydrated Stay active Get plenty of sleep Above all, see your dentist...

Time to Destress, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Stress and Canker Sores

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

Stress can manifest into various oral health conditions; such as canker sores. While these white spots that appear on the soft tissues in your mouth or at the base of your gums are harmless, they can be incredibly painful. They will usually go away on their own in a week or two, but if they persist for longer, your dentist may prescribe topical corticosteroids and antimicrobial rinses to reduce pain and inflammation...

Stress and Canker Sores, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Burning Tongue Syndrome

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

According to may oral pathology book from school, the following produce burning tongue: Burning mouth syndrome Psychosis Neurosis Viral infection Fungal infection Chronic bacterial infection Geographic tongue Fissured tongue Generalized oral mucositis diseases Xerostomic conditions Anemia Achlorhydria Multiple sclerosis Vitamin deficiencies Sjögren's disease generally causes a bilateral enlargement of the salivary...

Burning Tongue Syndrome, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Stress and Dry Mouth (xerostomia)

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

Dry mouth can be caused by stress and can be a side-effect of medications taken to treat stress and depression. Saliva is vital to keep your mouth moist, wash away food and neutralize the acids that are produced by plaque. Without an adequate flow of saliva, your mouth's first line of defence against plaque is compromised, and this can lead to tooth decay. If dry mouth is left untreated, you can develop tooth decay, gum disease and be at a greater risk for fungal or viral infections in your...

Stress and Dry Mouth (xerostomia), Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Stress and Periodontal (gum) Disease

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

Research has shown that stress affects our immune systems, increasing our susceptibility to infections, including the bacteria that cause gum disease. At times, gingival tissues can show signs of inflammation that could be stress-related, as well as increased signs and symptoms of oral conditions like lichen planus. Lichen planus is a condition where there are chronic, painful lesions on the mucous membranes of the mouth. See your dentist, who can look for these issues during an examination...

Stress and Periodontal (gum) Disease, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Stress and Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

Stress can manifest in various oral health conditions such as bruxism or teeth grinding. If you are a bruxer, you may not even know. The telltale signs and symptoms of bruxism are: teeth that are flattened, fractured, chipped or loose worn tooth enamel increased tooth sensitivity damage from chewing on your tongue or inside of your cheek pain or soreness in the jaw or face, tired or tight jaw muscles a dull headache originating in the temples; pain that feel...

Stress and Bruxism (Teeth Grinding), Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Stress and Your Oral Health

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

The general effect of stress is that people tend to neglect their oral healthcare routines. They may not brush or floss as often as they should or miss dental appointments; they may alter their diet by consuming more sugar and carbohydrate-laden foods; and they may drink more coffee and soda pop. This not only greatly increases the risk of tooth decay, but the additional acid contributes to the erosion of tooth enamel./p> Stress can manifest into various oral health conditions that, if left...

Stress and Your Oral Health, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Approximate Age of Teeth Eruption

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

Baby teeth start to erupt through the gums between six and nine months of age. These milk teeth or first teeth help your child eat and speak, and also help the adult teeth come in straight. Even tiny teeth must be cleaned. Infants can get cavities just like older children and adults. Following all feedings, you should clean your baby's mouth and teeth...

Approximate Age of Teeth Eruption, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Oral Appliances

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

Obstructive sleep apnea is a disorder that may affect over 1 in 4 Canadian adults but is self-reported by only 3% of Canadians. The gold standard for OSA treatment is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), but the treatment does not work for everyone. For patients who are unable to tolerate CPAP or use it in consistently and alternative treatment for OSA is an oral appliance. According to the Canadian Thoracic Society and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine oral appliances are...

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Oral Appliances, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Pregnancy, Babies, Infants Toddlers And Healthy Teeth

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

A good prenatal diet and good dental care for mom and baby is important. Vitamin D and calcium are essential building blocks for strong teeth. Nutritional defeciencies during preganacy are known to increase the likelihood of enamel hypoplasia (enamel defect) and subsequent carries. The lower the Vitamin D intake during pregnancy the higher the caries experience in infants and toddlers. Good oral practices in the first few years of life set the foundation for a lifetime of optimal oral health...

Pregnancy, Babies, Infants Toddlers And Healthy Teeth, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Diabetes and Gum disease

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

Epidemiology studies generally suggest an increased risk of periodontitis among people with diabetes. There is a two-way relationship between diabetes and gum disease, (periodontitis), i.e. not only is diabetes a risk factor for periodontitis, but periodontitis could adversely affect diabetes. Other studies have reported that diabetic patients who had poor glycemic control had increased risk of deep periodontal pockets, severe attachment loss, and progressive bone loss, compared...

Diabetes and Gum disease, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

More on X-ray

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

The most common dental X-ray, the bitewing radiograph, exposes you to 0.038 mSv, and a full-blown dental X-ray examination is only 0.150 mSv. That's on the old film X-rays though, Digital Dental X-rays can be up to 1/3rd to 1/4th less than even the traditional dental x-ray. Compare that to how much radiation you are exposed to from space every year: 0.510 mSv, and how much from nature: 3.000 mSv. Source Estimated Exposure (mSV)...

More on X-ray, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

The Daily Grind

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

According to the Canadian Sleep Society, bruxing (grinding teeth) is only chronic in about 8 percent of adults and teens, 3 percent of the seniors and 14 percent of children. It is viewed as normal in children. In adults it's pathological. Majority of the bruxers grind while sleeping. Signs and Symptoms Frequent headaches (especially in the morning) or ear aches Sore jaws Jaw-clicking Frequent toothaches Sensitive teeth Facial pain Worn, broken or cracked...

The Daily Grind, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Eating Habits, Stains and Cavities

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

Eat high fibre foods, because they require more chewing, thus causing our saliva to flow, which helps neutralize destructive mouth acids and as we chew them their fibre can help remove plaque. Don't use chewable vitamin tablets; they contain acid which gets into the fissures or grooves our teeth. Potato chips and one can of cola are the perfect recipe for tooth destruction. Why? Cola contains phosphoric acid( which attacks your tooth enamel) and sugar (which feeds the bacteria in your mouth);...

Eating Habits, Stains and Cavities, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Dental Health of Infants and Young Children

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

What is the most common chronic infectious disease for children under the age of six? Dental caries. It is five times more common than asthma and can cause pain and affect normal overall growth and development. The first visit to the dentist should be within six months of the eruption of the first tooth or by one-year-old age which ever comes first...

Dental Health of Infants and Young Children, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Jaw Pain, Headaches, Tired Muscles

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

Do your teeth feel like they have had a workout before you have even eaten your breakfast? There is a technique called a facial assessment that will help you to become aware if there is tension in your jaw and jaw muscles. By using this technique you can be aware of the habits that are subconsciously carried out in your sleep or in your daily life. Our teeth are designed to give us a life time of service but some habits can place additional strain on your teeth and jaws and sometimes cause...

Jaw Pain, Headaches, Tired Muscles, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

How often do I need dental x-rays?

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

The number of x-rays required should be kept to the minimum only enough to obtain a diagnosis. It depends on the patient's present oral health, age, risk for disease and any signs or symptoms of oral disease. Dr. Günay will review your history, examine your mouth then discuss with you her recommendations for x-rays. In our office appropriate shielding with lead aprons are used when exposing patients to radiation. All x-ray equipment and accessories conform to the federal requirements of the...

How often do I need dental x-rays?, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Tooth whitening

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

Tooth whitening has become an increasingly popular esthetic service for patients and is well-integrated in dental practices. At-home whitening with carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was originally part of a complete dental procedure which included the dentist examining the patient to ensure there were no contraindications to treatment with the bleaching agent. However, it has seen rapid growth as an over-the-counter product. The latter products typically have higher concentrations...

Tooth whitening, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

More on Xylitol

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

Xylitol can be toxic to dogs so keep your chewing gum away from your pet. When starting to chew xylitol, meeting the recommendations of 5 to 10 grams per day should be done gradually over a period of several weeks, to allow gastrointestinal system time to adjust. Since it can cause diarrhea and intestinal gas, people with inflammatory bowel diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease, should avoid xylitol...

More on Xylitol, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Radiation and Medication use during Pregnancy

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Wed, 26 Jul 2023

No increase in congenital abnormalities or intrauterine growth retardation has been reported for x-ray radiation exposure during pregnancy totalling less than 5-10 cGy. Your baby may be more at risk once exposed to 100 mGy or more of radiation. A dental x- ray will expose your baby to less than 0.01 average dose mGy, far below the risk level. The safety of an x-ray during pregnancy also depends on where you are in your pregnancy. The risks from damage by radiation is higher during your...

Radiation and Medication use during Pregnancy, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Oral health care for the pregnant patient

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Even a healthy pregnancy causes major changes in maternal anatomy, physiology, and metabolism. This can include changes in the oral cavity and increased susceptibility to oral infection. Pregnancy gingivitis usually appears in the first trimester of pregnancy. It's an exaggerated gingival inflammatory reaction to local irritants. Timing of treatment: Scaling and polishing, root planing of the teeth may be performed at any time as required to maintain oral health however routine general...

Oral health care for the pregnant patient, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Xylitol Inhibits Bacteria Growth

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Xylitol can help reduce bacteria. Cavity-causing bacteria are obsessed with sugar in the same way that most trick-or-treaters are. Fortunately for your teeth, experts tell us these same bacteria mistake xylitol for sugar and bring it into their cellular walls through an uptake system that converts it into an unusable molecule (xylitol phosphate). Over time, the unusable xylitol builds up inside the cell and effectively clogs up the bacteria's digestive system, rendering them unable to produce...

Xylitol Inhibits Bacteria Growth, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa


Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener used in many foods, including chewing gum. Unlike sugar and other sweeteners it can not be digested by plaque causing bacteria in our mouths, which, in turn, reduces the amount of plaque on our teeth. For best results, look for a gum that contains at least one gram of xylitol per piece. Warning: Xylitol can be toxic to dogs. To allow time gastrointestinal system to adjust, gradually increase to the recommended 5-10 grams of xylitol a day over...

Xylitol, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Dry Mouth - Xerostomia

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Do you have a dry mouth? Does your mouth often feels dry, sticky or your tongue rough? Do you have cracked lips? A threat to your teeth, this condition results in bad breath, a sore throat, burning tongue. You are more prone to tooth decay and periodontal disease. Dry mouth is often the result of conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, radiation to head and neck; medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, chemotherapy, medications for depression, high blood pressure, Parkinson's and...

Dry Mouth - Xerostomia, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

For a Happy Smile

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Do: Quit smoking Reduce stress Eat a well-balanced diet Use a night guard if you grind your teeth Avoid sipping on sugared or acidic drinks over long periods of time Floss daily Brush at least twice a day- especially after eating sweets...

For a Happy Smile, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Wisdom Teeth and Pain

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Sometimes wisdom teeth can be impacted -- they are enclosed within the soft tissue and/or the jawbone or only partially break through or erupt through the gum. Partial eruption of the wisdom teeth allows an opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause an infection, which results in pain, swelling, jaw stiffness, and general illness. Partially erupted teeth are also more prone to tooth decay and gum disease because their hard-to-reach location and awkward positioning makes brushing...

Wisdom Teeth and Pain, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Do whitening toothpastes really work?

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Yes, they do, but be careful how you pick them. Unlike teeth-bleaching trays or strips, whitening toothpastes scour away surface stains with the help of gritty substances like silica hydrate, which can eventually wear away tooth enamel. And if you have sensitive teeth, more grit can mean more pain. A paste with an RDA between 100 and 150 is considered highly abrasive; don't even think about going over 150. Bottom line: Sand-papering your teeth isn't the best way to get them white. Stick to a...

Do whitening toothpastes really work?, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Digital radiography in our dental office

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

As of February 2013 we have digital radiography in our dental office. With this new system our patients are exposed to a radiation as little as 1/3rd of that the traditional radiography uses. This also means there are no chemical solutions used to process the films and thus less environmental pollution...

Digital radiography in our dental office, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Not Just Smokers get Oral Cancer

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Rates of deadly disease is on the rise.According to Health Canada oral cancer is thirteenth most common cancer. Risk factors for developing oral cancer: Smoking particularly when combined with heavy alcohol consumption Excessive sun exposure to the lips. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Diet low in fruit and vegetables. Age; most common in people over 50. (Recently it has been on the rise with younger generations as young as early twenties-having multiple sex...

Not Just Smokers get Oral Cancer, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Probiotics and Dental Health

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Probiotics are living microorganisms, principally bacteria, that are safe for human consumption and have beneficial effects on human health. Probiotic therapy is being considered for application in oral health due to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Probiotics incorporated into dairy products neutralize acidic conditions in the mouth and interfere with cariogenic bacteria. Patients with periodontal disease who used chewing gum or lozenges containing probiotics saw their...

Probiotics and Dental Health, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

What does it really mean to have good teeth?

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Good teeth. We often hear the phrase thrown around but what does it really mean to have good teeth? Good teeth erupt into the mouth with a sound enamel covering the crown of the tooth. Factors that can negatively impact the integrity of teeth includes nutritional deficiencies, illness and drugs such as the antibiotics tetracycline. While genetics play a role generally speaking variables into oral environment diet, oral hygiene and fluoride determine future health. Maintaining oral health is...

What does it really mean to have good teeth?, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Early versus Late Bloomers

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

As in other areas of growth and development permanent teeth erupt at different times in different children - the result of normal biological variation. If baby teeth don't fall out on their own it could be due to crowding of the underlying adult teeth -which impedes the ability to push the baby teeth up and out. Or it could mean the complete absence of the permanent tooth. Don't panic if your child is slow to loose teeth but seek professional opinion. In general stubborn baby teeth do not...

Early versus Late Bloomers, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Top five tips for getting your child to brush and floss everyday

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

It is no secret that getting kids to brush and floss regularly can be a struggle. Here are your best bets for getting your child into a daily dental hygiene routine. Provide a good example for your child by having him see you brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Have your child brush earlier in the evening, when snacks are finished instead of right before bed. Children are more awake and tend to do a better job. Instead of using a timer have your child choose her favorite...

Top five tips for getting your child to brush and floss everyday, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Sweet and Sneaky

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Sugar provides food for your mouth's bacteria which then produce acids to attack your teeth. No wonder dentists want us to reduce the sugar in our diets. Perhaps you have cut back on candy and pop but there are lots of other sources of sugar. Statistics Canada stated that Canadian children ranging in age from 1 to 13 get more than 25% of the daily calories from sugar more than any other age group. Cutting down on processed food helps but there are other natural sounding sources of sugar that...

Sweet and Sneaky, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Tooth Sensitivity

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Your teeth might be sensitive if the tooth dentin is exposed because of : tooth decay, gum disease and recession, tooth grinding. Dentin is the material that makes up the part of the tooth below the gums,the root, and is found under the enamel layer. It is a much softer material than enamel. When this material is exposed to the air, cold, acidic drinks or infected with decay, the tooth may exhibit signs of discomfort. What can be done to relieve the discomfort? Use a desensitizing...

Tooth Sensitivity, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Dry Mouth

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

What is it? Xerostomia or dry mouth is a common condition that occurs when the amount of saliva in your mouth dries up. Affects:A reduced saliva flow may lead to bad breath, cavities, oral trauma, gum disease, mouth infection and difficulty swallowing, eating or talking. Saliva has antibacterial, digestive, mineralizing and lubricating properties. What causes it? Dry mouth an be caused by many factors, but medications are the biggest culprit, especially medications for anxiety...

Dry Mouth, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Sleep Medicine and Dentistry

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related breathing disorder characterized by short pauses in breathing during sleep. These pauses in breathing (called apneas) can last for 10 to 30 seconds, maybe longer. According to the Canadian Lung Association people who suffer from OSA can stop breathing from dozens to hundreds of times each night. The primary treatment option for patients with OSA is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), in which a computer-controlled air flow generator...

Sleep Medicine and Dentistry, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Periodontitis/Gum Disease

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

New study estimates that nearly half of the North American adults have some level of periodontal disease, the percentage being increased to nearly 3/4 for older adults. Periodontitis is the inflammation and infection of the supportive tissues (these tissues are the bone that is housing the roots, ligaments which attach the gum to the bone and tooth) surrounding and supporting the teeth. As with a lot of dental disease prevention is the key to address periodontitis. Removal of microbial...

Periodontitis/Gum Disease, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Flossing Properly

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Wind about 18 inches of floss around the middle fingers of each hand, leaving about five inches in between. Pinch the floss between your thumbs and index fingers and leave about one inch to work with. Gently guide the floss down between the teeth, pull it into a C shape around the sides of a tooth, and slide it under the gum line. Clean the surface of the tooth by using an up-and-down motion. Repeat the process on all teeth. Wind the floss to a fresh section for each tooth. If you encounter...

Flossing Properly, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Teething Pains

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

SIGNS: When primary teeth are coming in, your child's gums may be painful, swollen and sensitive. Facial rash, drooling, sucking, ear rubbing, chewing on anything the baby can find, lack of appetite, unusual irritability and disturbed sleep could be signs of discomfort. These symptoms will start 4 days before and three days after tooth eruption. FEVER: Although mild temperature elevation -less then 38.6 'C, could be expected teething should not make a baby sick or feverish- or cause diarrhea...

Teething Pains, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa


Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Mouthguards are proven to reduce the incidence of these injuries. There are three main types of mouthguards and they vary in cost, comfort and effectiveness. These are Custom- Made, Boil-And-Bite and Ready-Made mouthguards. An ideal mouthguard is resilient, durable, and comfortable, that fits properly, easy to clean and doesn't impede breathing or speech. A well made and properly cared for mouthguard can last several years if the bite of the athlete is fully developed. Custom-Made...

Mouthguards, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Kids Orthodontics

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

When it comes to initial screening for potential orthodontic problems the target age is usually seven. That's the age when most children have lost their front teeth and their adult teeth are starting to come in. But dentists aren't just looking for crooked teeth. The bigger concern at that age is skeletal issues or problems with job positioning. An overbite, for example, isn't necessarily a dental problem. Rather the lower jaw may be too small or the upper jaw may stick out too far...

Kids Orthodontics, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Dental Implants

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

A reliable, Long-term foundation A dental implant is a special metal anchor that is surgically placed into the jawbone under the gum line. In a few months when they are attached to the surrounding bone, they are used to give firm support to dentures crowns and bridges-looking and feeling just like your natural teeth. Look good feel great With dental implants there's no need to worry about loose full or partial dentures. You will experience tremendous improvements in your ability to smile...

Dental Implants, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Pregnancy and Oral Health

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

How does my Oral Health affect my baby's? A pregnancy is a time of great joy and expectations for new parents. It is also a time of significant changes to the woman's body. Equally, some of these changes may affect the health of the pregnant patient's mouth. Evidence suggests a strong need to protect against gingivitis and gum disease, as well as decay problems. These problems can also affect the health of the baby including having preterm and low birth weight babies. In the recent years...

Pregnancy and Oral Health, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Flossing for prevention

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

A Word of Advise from your Dental Hygienist: Flossing for prevention If you are committed to keeping your teeth and protecting your health, you will want to be sure to floss correctly. Choosing a floss: Look for dental floss that has CDA (Canadian Dental Association) acceptance. Other than that, choosing one is mostly a matter of personal preference. Studies have found no difference between waxed and unwaxed, tape and cord and nylon and polymer floss as far as cleaning capacity, however...

Flossing for prevention, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Antioxidants and Gum Disease

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Gingivitis is the inflammation and infection of the gums around the teeth. Periodontitis is the inflammation and infection of the supportive tissues (these tissues are the bone that is housing the roots, ligaments which attach the gum to the bone and tooth) surrounding and supporting the teeth. Oral bacteria that is not removed and left in the mouth in large amounts colonize and start becoming harmful for the oral tissues. Our body produces free radicals as a defence against oral bacteria...

Antioxidants and Gum Disease, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Adult Orthodontics

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

INVISALIGN FOR ADULTS For adults of all ages who dreamed of beautiful smiles with white straight teeth without the commitment of wearing traditional metal braces, there is now Invisalign clear braces. These are series of custom made acrylic aligners, they shift your teeth into the desired position over a period of 12-24 months. You can remove them for eating, brushing and flossing. There are no brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. You simply pop in a new set of aligners...

Adult Orthodontics, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Dental Exam

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

The first visit at our office involves a comprehensive evaluation of your entire masticatory (chewing) system which helps the dentist to diagnose any abnormalities or diseases of the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the mouth. Temporamandibular joint, thyroid, lymph nodes, salivary glands, gums are examined, oral cancer screening is completed. Periodontal screening and recording is done for early detection of periodontal disease. This is important because periodontal disease is the number...

Dental Exam, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Dental Problems of Children

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

Your child has some cavities and needs fillings but she is scared! Children will often pick up on their parents' dental anxiety. They mostly do just fine in dental chair when parents stay in the waiting room. This also allows the dental team to establish a direct relationship with your child. Prepare your child in a positive, friendly way before going in to see the dentist, then let her try it on her own. How can my son have lots of plaque on his teeth when he brushes twice a day? Children...

Dental Problems of Children, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Nutrition and Oral Health

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

We all have germs in our mouth that are generally harmless, but once they come into contact with sugar within half an hour they start producing a mild acid that eats away at the tooth enamel. Over time, the enamel gets soft and cavity forms. The damage all depend on how much sugar goes into your mouth or how long it stays there. There are also foods that contain acid and aside from being responsible of cavities, they will cause dental erosion; these are mainly soft drinks, sport drinks and...

Nutrition and Oral Health, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Headache, Insomnia and TMJ

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

People clench, grind or brux (both) because of increased Central Nervous System stimulation, the direct result of various amounts of pain, breathing dysfunction or anxiety. With some patients who have these parafunctional habits, oral appliances such as nightguards and NTI's might work. NTI appliances are ones that do wonders for migraine headache sufferers. Also visit our website for further information on headaches, sore neck muscles, TMJ problems and insomnia in the coming months or make...

Headache, Insomnia and TMJ, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

Childhood Dental Cavities

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Tue, 25 Jul 2023

What is the reason for dental decay? There are three things that combine to result in decay: the tooth, cariogenic bacteria (decay causing bacteria), and fermentable carbohydrates. If the exposure to decay causing bacteria is greater than that of protective factors such as antibacterial properties of saliva, fluoride, we have demineralization which leads to decay. In order to answer why a particular child presents with cavities, an examination that includes risk assessment is performed by the...

Childhood Dental Cavities, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

About Fluoride

Posted by Dr Belgin Günay on Sat, 13 May 2023

How does fluoride work? Following the eruption of teeth, fluoride prevents cavities; 1. by preventing demineralization; 2. by enhancing remineralization; 3. by interfering bacterial metabolism, which causes a decrease in acid production. How is fluoride delivered? Fluoride is delivered to the general population via water fluoridation programs, dental offices, and at home regiments. Communal water fluoridation is the most effective way to reduce caries in the general population. What...

About Fluoride, Dentist Ottawa, Dental Clinic Ottawa

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Exposure to Tobacco Smoke Increases Risk of Cavities in Children
Thu, 27 Jul 2023

Exposure to secondhand smoke at a young age is associated with an increased risk of cavities, concludes a recent study. Specifically, researchers found that ex...

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