Westboro Dental Centre Dr. Belgin Günay
Family & Cosmetic Denistry in Westboro
The Daily Grind

Westboro Dental Centre Dr. Belgin Günay - Dentist Ottawa

The Daily Grind

According to the Canadian Sleep Society, bruxing (grinding teeth) is only chronic in about 8 percent of adults and teens, 3 percent of the seniors and 14 percent of children. It is viewed as normal in children. In adults it's pathological.

Majority of the bruxers grind while sleeping.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Frequent headaches (especially in the morning) or ear aches
  • Sore jaws
  • Jaw-clicking
  • Frequent toothaches
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Facial pain
  • Worn, broken or cracked teeth and/ or fillings
  • (Accelerated) gum recession
  • Lose teeth
  • Indentations on the lateral borders of the tongue.

The best treatment is usually conservative in nature. In addition to repairing any damaged teeth and/ or correcting obvious occlusion( bite) irregularities, a night guard or splint is fabricated for the patient which may reduce bruxism but will certainly prevent further tooth wear and damage.

If you think you are a bruxer or have been told you grind in your sleep lease call our office to discuss your options for preventing damage to your teeth and TMJ.

Dentist Ottawa

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