Westboro Dental Centre Dr. Belgin Günay
Family & Cosmetic Denistry in Westboro
About Fluoride

Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers for water fluoridation in Ottawa.

About Fluoride

How does fluoride work?

Following the eruption of teeth, fluoride prevents cavities; 1. by preventing demineralization; 2. by enhancing remineralization; 3. by interfering bacterial metabolism, which causes a decrease in acid production.

How is fluoride delivered?

Fluoride is delivered to the general population via water fluoridation programs, dental offices, and at home regiments.
Communal water fluoridation is the most effective way to reduce caries in the general population.

What are the systemic effects of fluoride?

Evidence of fluoride causing harm when administered at optimal water fluoridation levels does not exist. Research studies have investigated the notion that fluoride can cause bone fractures, osteoporosis, cancers of the bone, intellectual deficiencies, senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and congenital malformations, goiters. The quality of evidence for these claims is low and unable to show a direct cause and effect between fluoride and any above-mentioned ailments.

Is the amount of fluoride in Ontario municipal water supply within the optimal range?

In Canada, the maximum allowable concentration for water fluoridation is 1.5 mg/L. In Ontario, the Safe Drinking Water Act require the fluoridated water systems maintain a fluoride level between 0.5 and 0.8 mg/L. Health Canada recommends a target fluoride concentration of 0.7 mg/L

fluoride  water fluoridation

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